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New Laws in Minnesota Impacting Employers

Lizzi Kampf | Larkin Hoffman

If you’re an employer in Minnesota, take note of important changes this last legislative session that impacts your businesses. If you have even one employee in the state it is advisable to seek legal counsel to ensure your business complies with the requirements of the new laws.

This year the Minnesota legislature enacted significant changes to laws targeting a broad range of employee matters, including safe and sick time requirements, protections for pregnant and lactating workers, bans on non-compete provisions in employment agreements, and modifications to permissible drug testing in the workplace. Changes to the Minnesota Human Rights Act also provided additional protections for certain employees and now prohibit discrimination on the basis of hair style, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Additionally, employers will no longer be able to ask job applicants about their wage history in previous positions.

These changes affect employers of all sizes and every business with even one employee must provide earned safe and sick time. This accrued paid time off is a mandatory benefit that employees can use for a wide range of absences related to illness or safety concerns for the employee or a wide variety of family members. Earned time off may also be used for public health and weather-related emergencies. Small employers that may be exempted from certain federal requirements related to time off will still be subject to these state based laws and must make changes to their policies and procedures in order to comply.

If you have employees within the state of Minnesota your business will be affected. Avoid penalties for non-compliance and consult with an attorney on how to enact these important changes.

Article by: Lizzi Kampf, Attorney

Larkin Hoffman

Kampf, Lizzi J.

Direct | 952-896-3311

4891-0737-7041, v. 1

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